Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Curry Night booked

Curry night now booked for the 20th July at Spice Lodge in Cheltenham. I really hope it will be a good night and that lots of people can come along. The food should be great and you could even win a raffle prize!

Ideally I would like payment before the event to cover the cost of the restaurant so do let me know if you want to come.

Thanks again for all your support in aid of three great charities.


Friday, 19 June 2009

CBT Test


Hola, just to keep you updated, I am in the process of booking a restaurant for a curry night in July to launch my fundraising.
Thanks to Dan Martino for taking some photos of me (see right). I am going to be producing some flyers offering portraits/ event photography for a minimum donation of £50. So if you know anyone who may be interested, please give me a call.
I have also booked my CBT test on monday 22 June so will see then whether I'm any good and more importantly, if I like it! Fingers crossed that it all goes without any hitches or accidents.
Again, thanks for visiting and please donate if you are able,
Bye for now,